Before you Start
Ensure you have
- User login credentials for MQuality tool
- Articles for which you will create requirement profile
Supplier to whom you will be selecting for providing annotation to Requirement Profile (RP) or Specification (SP)
What you need to know
The prospective Suppliers with the status of Active or Prelisting must be present in the system (via NSP= Metro Link plus):
- The supplier master data includes the active site(s), address and contact details, site certification (IFS; BRC; …) and article associated.
- User manual provides steps for adding article, certificate and adding site to supplier record
- An Active supplier is a supplier where any of its associated product is Active (based on MDW report)
- A Prelisting supplier is a supplier where the supplier may not be associated to any product and can be a potential supplier for RP/SP
The Article for which you wish to create an RP / SP should be loaded in the tool and must have the status either “Active” or “In Development”
- An Article contains information such as GTIN and supplier associated to it including information such as supplier site, packaging unit, selling country etc.
- GTIN(s) can be associated to an article at any point of time to an article
After Login
Menu Items
Here are the Menu icons for MQuality application