Dear Packaging & Sustainability and Own Brand Teams - please have a look ok the Training done by MAG Packaging Experts - how to deal with this part of Specification - see under this link the videos
- Packaging user logins to MQuality Tool and views SP task “Fill Packaging section” - run the task
- Packaging user has option to copy packaging section
- Packaging user can select any SP from the search text field to copy packaging section
- SP details opens up
- Packaging user clicks on Primary Packaging section
- Packaging user selects component description from the dropdown and component details list automatically updates based on component description selection
- Packaging user selects material from dropdown and corresponding recyclable icon is displayed
- Specification tab is displayed based on material selection
- Once component description and material is selected, it is displayed with the packaging section name in the left panel
- Packaging user can upload component image by clicking on upload icon
- If "Food Contact" is selected "Yes" and "% of Recycled content" is not zero, then a warning message is displayed for packaging user to select if they want to proceed or not.
- If packaging user selects Yes, then the percentage mentioned for recycled content remains
- If packaging user selects No, then the percentage mentioned for recycled content is replaced with zero
- Packaging user enters the specification for packaging in the material tab.
- Reference image is displayed based on (cardboard) pack selection for better understanding
- Packaging user fills in the packaging details
- Similarly, packaging user fills secondary and tertiary packaging section
- Packaging user can add further sections by clicking on “Add new packaging section” icon
Packaging user can add packaging section as many as you want. Only possible for add new packaging section below steps within workflow :
1.Create and Fill SP details
2.Fill Packaging Sectionin all types of specifications in MQuality (migrated, new, existing) - Supplier within the tasks PackagingSectionBysupplier will be able to add a new packaging section
- Packaging user can delete the new section by clicking on delete icon
- Packaging user completes all the details required in packaging section and clicks on Save button
- Packaging user clicks on Documents section to upload mandatory documents
- Packaging user clicks on “Upload” button to upload mentioned documents
- If any image file is uploaded, packaging user views a thumbnail view of the image
- Additional documents can be updated by clicking on “Add Document” button
- Count of documents uploaded is displayed on the left panel
- Packaging user navigates to pallelisation section and enters values for selling unit, transport unit, layers per pallet and pallet height
- No. of transport unit per pallet and no. of selling unit per pallet are automatically calculated (editable fields)
- Packaging user can add palletization document by clicking on upload option
- Once packaging section is 100% complete, packaging user clicks on “Submit” button
After this step Supplier receive Packaging section tasks